Preschool update

After last week’s harsh rebuke from her little friend, Hunter has been pretty reluctant to go to preschool. She’s been telling me she wants to stay home and that no one wants to play with her. I know that’s not true, but it still breaks my heart a bit when she says it.

Fortunately, she’s been okay once she actually gets there. Yesterday, one of the kids immediately came over to play with her (this girl’s a bit of a troublemaker and usually I secretly wish Hunter was playing with someone else, but yesterday I was glad to see her). Today she was doing her own thing when I left but she was fairly content.

As a bonus, Jorja came over looking to play and Hunter didn’t even notice her standing there. I know it’s incredibly petty and awful but I was glad she had to wait for Hunter to choose to play with her. Oh, I am terrible! I feel embarrassed to admit that, but there you have it. I hold grudges against four year olds.

Meanwhile, the preschool AGM was last night and what a boring event that was. Two hours of my life I will never get back. The worst part is that I somehow ended up on the management committee.

The committee requires four parent representatives and I was adamant I would not be one of them. I knew they’d be pressuring me to join because it’s hard for preschools to get parents who are willing to be involved, and by just showing up at the AGM I was setting myself up for the hard word. I had my excuse lined up and fully intended to be resolute about not nominating.

But I had a look at the other parents who had showed up (including one who hadn’t realised that an AGM wasn’t for children and one who raised a concern about the possibility of the preschoolers staging a violent intrusion…) and decided that I’d rather inconvenience myself than have the preschool overseen by fools.

The director assured me there wouldn’t be a lot of work involved, which is good news because I have no spare time whatever. She said I’d mostly be called on to sign cheques, which I could do when I was taking or picking up Hunter. There’s also a management committee meeting every six weeks and I hope they are quicker and less excruciatingly boring than the AGM – though I am not hopeful.

There are a couple of areas I’d like to work on. The preschool generated a measly $1,000 through fundraising last year and I think it could at least triple that. And they’re setting up a webpage so I thought I’d volunteer to help with the content – I confess mainly so that I can go all Grammar Police and correct errors before anything is published.

The first committee meeting is Tuesday

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